Fall Poems and Stories

When the leaves change color our words float and dance, then tumble onto paper. We enjoyed leaf rubbing and poems tumbling across and between the patterns on our paper.

Leaves Ashtyn

I like Fall!!!Pretty colors are in fall. Leaves changing colors in the fall. Orange! Red! and Green! Playing in the leaves! Jumping, diving! Everything is pretty now. Ashtyn 2nd Grade

Leaves Will

Jump like a cat! When I jump in the leaves let the leaves fly! Will 1st Grade

We turned pumpkin poems into story chains. We wrote our story on the black chain and drew pumpkins on the orange chain.

Kate Chain

Patty the Pumpkin

One dark night there was a pumpkin named Patty. She sat on the porch looking at the moon. Her face was not jagged like most pumpkins are, instead it was really smooth. But Patty couldn’t leave because she was supposed to be there until Halloween. One night she saw something lurking in the shadows. When it came out she saw that it was a witch. The witch put a charm on the people in the house to forget that it was Halloween. Now Patty could go home! Kate 3rd Grade


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